Hi Readers,

The winter holidays are crazy for me this year and I’m hoping 2023 will ease up. I don’t mind being busy, but the stress—that I can totally do without. I’m trying to do better with posting here and I’m still figuring out the newsletter sitch. Honestly, MailChimp totally befuddles me. I try to produce something, and three hours later, I have garbage and I’m banging my head against the desk. Are there classes? Better yet, can they just download the skill in my brain?

I’ve got the lighted tree and a couple of decorations up, so not very festive yet. The tree has survived three cats, so far. Yay! The kids will probably bring their two Main Coons, later. Poor tree! Today I’ll try to get ornaments on the tree. Thankfully, gifts are pretty much done. We’re celebrating Christmas Eve this year.

There’s a wonderful Christmas eBook giveaway going on. I’m giving away two A Happy Christmas Ceilidh eBooks and a Kilts and Catnip paperback. It starts today and ends in a week. Link below!

Happy Holidays,

